Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
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Equipment: COMPNOR SAGroup uniform, datapad of SAGroup Regulations, COMPNOR-issue stun blaster (2D stun), travel voucher (free passage on non-military Imperial spaceships), 300 credits.
Background: You have always longed for a place where you could belong, and you found it in COMPNOR SAGroup. The Group builds you up and gives you an identity, and teams you up with comrades you can identify with and rely on. You readily demonstrated leadership potential soon after joining, and cemented your path to the top by warning your superiors that your friend's parents were not attending the proper rallies. As a senior member of your SAGroup squad, you have unlimited travel privileges throughout the Empire, and are on an extended sojourn to see as much of the Empire as you can before you return to school and prepare for the admissions test to the Academy. (You also have to write a long report on your travels in order to receive full COMPNOR accreditation, so you dutifully keep a journal of your day-to-day activities).
Personality: You are proud to be a loyal and active member of the New Order, and worship the ground the Emperor walks on. You see the world in black and white, and everything Imperial is white.
Objectives: To prepare yourself for Academy and military life by seeking action throughout the galaxy.
Heroes and Rogues
See also: Typical CompForce Trooper
Other Imperial Templates
Arrogant Imperial Noble
CompForce Assault Trooper
COMPNOR Military Liaison
Ex-Imperial Commando
Ex-Imperial Scout
Ground Assault Vehicle Commander
Imperial Adjutant
Imperial Assassin-In-Training
Imperial Bounty Hunter
Imperial Diplomat
Imperial Double Agent
Imperial Intelligence Agent
Imperial Morale Officer
Imperial Smuggler
ISB Agent
ISB Investigations Specialist
ISB Protocol Officer
Retired Imperial Captain
TIE Fighter Pilot
Unemployed Imperial Bureaucrat
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