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Ex-Imperial Scout
- Modified Sienar Lone Scout (LSA-1) -- use stats for 2, but the LSA-1 is much more recognizable as an Imperial craft.
- Imperial Service Uniform (Stashed Away)
- Blaster Pistol
- 1000 Credits
- You were taken from you home and forced into life as an Imperial conscript. Managing your way into scouting, it never satisfied your need for freedom. Now that the Empire has fallen you can do as you wish, and what you want to do now is spend time on the fringe exploring the wonders of nature and making peace with yourself.
- You were forced to work for the wrong side most of your life, but you're too sick of conflict to "atone".
- Find peace within yourself.
Connection With Characters:
Source: Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (2nd Edition)
Other Imperial Templates
Arrogant Imperial Noble
CompForce Assault Trooper
COMPNOR Military Liaison
Ex-Imperial Commando
Ground Assault Vehicle Commander
Imperial Adjutant
Imperial Assassin-In-Training
Imperial Bounty Hunter
Imperial Diplomat
Imperial Double Agent
Imperial Intelligence Agent
Imperial Morale Officer
Imperial Smuggler
ISB Agent
ISB Investigations Specialist
ISB Protocol Officer
Retired Imperial Captain
TIE Fighter Pilot
Unemployed Imperial Bureaucrat
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