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Imperial Adjutant

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  • Character Name:
  • Type:Imperial Adjutant
  • Gender/Species: /Human
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • A Quote:"If you can't do the job, I will."
  • Physical Description:

  • Dexterity 3D
  • Blaster
  • Blaster artillery
  • Dodge
  • Melee combat

Perception 4D

  • Command
  • Investigation
  • Persuasion
  • Search
  • Knowledge 3D
  • Alien species
  • Bureaucracy
  • Languages
  • Tactics
  • Willpower
  • Strength 2D+2
  • Brawling
  • Climbing/jumping
  • Stamina
  • Mechanical 3D
  • Capital ship gunnery
  • Ground vehicle operation
  • Repulsorlift operation
  • Technical 2D+1
  • Blaster repair
  • Computer programming/repair
  • First aid
  • Special Abilities
  • Move 10
  • Force Sensitive?
  • Force Points
  • Dark Side Points
  • Character Points

Equipment: Imperial uniform, protective vest (+2 to Strength to resist damage), medpac, macrobinoculars, blaster pistol (4D), 200 credits

Background: Your family has long served Coruscant, in both military and political capacities. You walk in both spheres and as an aide to an up-and-coming admiral who has many friends of consequence in the New Order regime. Though in name you are an adjutant reporting directly to the admiral, in reality, you are a minor but useful errand-runner who reports to the aide of one of the admiral's junior assistants. Your duties take you far and wide, and seldom get boring. You've done everything from arranging inspection tours for the admiral, to silencing those who discovered things they shouldn't have, to carrying messages deemed too delicate for normal channels. Needless to say, you have quite a bit of dirt on quite a few people. You haven't used this information, yet, content that your abilities, family name, and connections will accomplish more than threats and blackmail. Still, you know you are not playing on a level playing field, and should your rise falter, you are prepared to do what you must to move up.

Personality: You are very ambitious, but also very patient and mild in temperament. Those who assume that you are simply a pampered desk jockey do so at their own peril - you earned your grade on the battlefield, and are quite capable of killing to get the job done.

Objectives: The Emperor's command staff will have an opening one day and you mean to fill it.

Source: Heroes and Rogues

Other Imperial Templates
Arrogant Imperial Noble
CompForce Assault Trooper
COMPNOR Military Liaison
Ex-Imperial Commando
Ex-Imperial Scout
Ground Assault Vehicle Commander
Imperial Assassin-In-Training
Imperial Bounty Hunter
Imperial Diplomat
Imperial Double Agent
Imperial Intelligence Agent
Imperial Morale Officer
Imperial Smuggler
ISB Agent
ISB Investigations Specialist
ISB Protocol Officer
Retired Imperial Captain
TIE Fighter Pilot
Unemployed Imperial Bureaucrat