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Imperial Smuggler
- Stock light freighter, comlink, 2,000 credits, 25,000 credits in debt to Imperial warlord, heavy blaster pistol (5D)
- Blast the Rebels and their thrice-cursed New Republic! If it hadn't been for that troublesome lot, the galaxy would still be a peaceful, well-ordered place, and you'd still be hauling freight for the Empire, nice and easy.
But the Rebels took over, and the good times came to an end. Fighting broke out everywhere and you had to keep moving to stay within the bounds of the ever-shrinking Empire. Things settled down a bit once you entered the service of one of the emerging warlords. Now you smuggle needed supplies from New Republic space to his various fleets and depots.
- You're bitter that the Rebels and New Republic have destroyed your easy life. You hope that one day the Imperials will stop fighting each other and wipe out the Rebels once and for all.
- To make enough money to pay off your debt to an Imperial warlord, a debt you incurred by losing one of his cargoes to New Republic customs inspectors.
Other Imperial Templates
Arrogant Imperial Noble
CompForce Assault Trooper
COMPNOR Military Liaison
Ex-Imperial Commando
Ex-Imperial Scout
Ground Assault Vehicle Commander
Imperial Adjutant
Imperial Assassin-In-Training
Imperial Bounty Hunter
Imperial Diplomat
Imperial Double Agent
Imperial Morale Officer
ISB Agent
ISB Investigations Specialist
ISB Protocol Officer
Retired Imperial Captain
TIE Fighter Pilot
Unemployed Imperial Bureaucrat
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