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Arrogant Imperial Noble
Equipment: Extensive wardrobe for both formal settings and life in the bush, comlink, blaster carbine (5D), sporting blaster (3D+1), portable bar, 5,000 credits.
Background: For many centuries, your royal house has been one of the pillars of Old Republic society. Your family moves only in the smartest of sets, and the "little people" cater to your house's every whim. Unlike most of your relatives, you do not delight in the banal entertainments to be found in the Core, nor do you decide to follow your uncle and sister into the regimented life of the military. For you, the exploration and taming of the backwater worlds of the galaxy has the greatest appeal. You love the thrill of the hunt, and coaxing or forcing closely held secrets from primitive alien tribes. Though you are perfectly willing to rough it when necessary, you see no need to suffer discomfort when it can be avoided. You bring civilization into the wild as much as possible, including climate controlled tents, servants, and complete larders. After all, it is your duty as a nobleman to show savages the benefits of civilization. In return, it is their duty to express their gratitude by obeying your every whim.
Personality: To those you consider your peers, you are polite, polished and urbane. You don't pay much attention to those beneath your station as long as they serve you well and know their place.
Objectives: To discover new species and worlds may be exploited by the Empire. Your secret desire is to have a species named after you.
Connection With Characters:
Source: Heroes and Rogues (p. 43)
Other Imperial Templates
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