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Imperial Bounty Hunter
Equipment: Blast Helmet (+2 energy and physical), Blaster Carbine (5D), IPKC bounty hunter license, comlink, datapad, heavy blaster pistol (5D), Jet Pack (burst flies 100 meters horizontally; has 10 bursts), knife (STR+2), macrobinoculars, medpac, protective vest (+2 torso, front and back), restraints, 3 stun grenades (5D Stun), 1000 credits.
Background: You are the long arm of Imperial law in a lawless galaxy. Your job is to bring the criminals and Rebels to face justice. You don't lose any sleep over a job well done. The Empire is a safer place because of you.
Personality: You approach your job with the notion that any contract worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Anyone who stands in you way is a traitor in their own right, to be dealt with later. You make a difference and the rest of galaxy knows it. That's why they fear you as much as they do.
Objectives: To clean up the mess those Rebels have created.
Connection With Characters:
Source: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
See Also:
== Other Imperial Templates==
Arrogant Imperial Noble
CompForce Assault Trooper
COMPNOR Military Liaison
Ex-Imperial Commando
Ex-Imperial Scout
Ground Assault Vehicle Commander
Imperial Adjutant
Imperial Assassin-In-Training
Imperial Diplomat
Imperial Double Agent
Imperial Intelligence Agent
Imperial Morale Officer
Imperial Smuggler
ISB Agent
ISB Investigations Specialist
ISB Protocol Officer
Retired Imperial Captain
TIE Fighter Pilot
Unemployed Imperial Bureaucrat
== NPC ==
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