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Bultar Swan

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Bultar Swan

Bultar Swan

Quote:"We're talking of revenge ! That's not the path of a Jedi! Having lost so much, must we now give that up as well?"

Type: Jedi Knight
Homeworld: Kuat
Gender: Female
Height: 1.68 meters

Blaster 4D+1, Brawling Parry 7D, Dodge 6D+2 & Lightsaber 8D+2

Intimidation 3D+2, Languages 4D+2 & Scholar: Jedi Lore 6D+1



Brawling: Teräs Käsi 7D & Climbing/Jumping 5D+1

Lightsaber Repair 5D+1

Special Abilities:

  • Force Skills: Control: 5D+1, Sense 6D, Alter 5D

Known Force Powers:
Control: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance & Resist Stun

Sense: Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy & Sense Force

Alter: Telekinesis

Control and Sense: Lightsaber Combat

Sense and Alter: Lesser Force Shield

Control, Sense and Alter: Affect Mind & Projected Fighting

  • This character is Force-Sensitive

Force Points: 4
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
Equipment: Lightsaber, Jedi Robes & Utility Belt
Bultar Swan was a female Human who trained with and served the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. As a Padawan of Jedi Master Micah Giiett, Swan excelled at martial arts and unarmed combat, and later complemented her fighting techniques with a strong lightsaber defense under the tutelage of Jedi Master Plo Koon. Dedicated to her beliefs, she was respected within the Order for her record of never having killed an opponent prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Swan was routinely sent on peace missions, including one to the Fondor system to investigate the alleged reappearance of an ancient starship and another to the Sepan system to negotiate the cessation of a decades-long civil war. In 22 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems planned to execute Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and the Republic senator Padmé Amidala on Geonosis, and Swan joined a strike team consisting of 212 Jedi sent to rescue them. The ensuing battle began a three-year galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, during which Swan served the Republic as a general.

Swan led Republic forces into battle on worlds such as Amaltanna and Aargonar, and three years into the war, helped defend the Republic's capital, Coruscant, from the invading Confederate Navy. Shortly after the Confederacy fled the planet, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine brought an end to the war by ordering Republic troops to kill their Jedi Generals and having the Confederacy's Separatist Council murdered. Swan escaped the initial stages of the Great Jedi Purge, and was soon contacted by fellow survivor Shadday Potkin, who invited her to a meeting on Kessel. Eight Jedi attended the conclave, but Potkin had invited them with an ulterior motive: Skywalker had become the Sith apprentice Darth Vader, serving Emperor Palpatine of the reorganized Galactic Empire, and Potkin had leaked intelligence of the meeting to Vader with the hope that the combined strength of eight Jedi could defeat him. Vader stormed the meeting and began killing the gathered Jedi, but was soon wounded and disarmed by Swan and Master Tsui Choi. Although Swan refused to kill her unarmed opponent, her fellow Jedi Koffi Arana was determined to finish their foe. He seized Swan's lightsaber, stabbing her with it in the process and ending her life.

Source: Wookiepedia.com together with Galaxy Guide 15: Attack of the Clones (Page 49)