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Deschain D'nalor
Name: Deschain D'nalor
Type: Teepo Paladins
Species: Orion Rogue
Height: 1.68M
Weight: 63Kg
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Near-human with pointed ears and 7 fingers on each hand. Blue hair and a mischievous grin. (Perfect teeth)
Background: I don't remember my parents.When I was very young a Paladin named Quill Peters visited the planet where we lived.He was tracking down a dangerous enemy and during their battle my home and family became collateral damage.Since I was orphaned with no friends or family to look after me he took me when he left the planet.He could sense that I had some borderline strength in the force, but because of the guilt he felt over my family he fought to get me accepted in the Teepo Academy.
Things there did not go smoothly.My nature made me a very irreverent youngling & padawan.I could have excelled but I was a mischievous child and my curiosity made it difficult, at times, to focus.I was nearly sent away on more than one occasion, but when I screwed up Master Peters would fly in on his ship, the Star Lord, and smooth things over for me.I idolized that man and thought of him as my personal "guardian".
Quill was put in charge of as many of my lessons as possible since the teachers there had no fondness for me by that point.We would take trips in the Star Lord and I would act as his co-pilot.He introduced me to his friends all over the galaxy, and let me run errands for him as long as I stayed in contact over the comm's.If I was fast with the errands it would leave me time to interact with the locals, buy and sell trinkets to make small profits and run my little scheme's.When I did well with my studies he would fly near asteroid belts and let me practice shooting with the ship's guns.Once in a while we would have to react quickly with the shields to protect the ship from exploding rock.When I was 10 he presented me with a matched pair of blaster pistols.I loved them and proceeded to wear them out.I spent all my credits getting my hands on replacement parts or making modifications, and they became the catalyst for my training.Other students were encouraged to practice with blasters as part of their everyday training.My blaster training was a reward for doing well in other lessons, and if I behaved badly my blasters were taken away altogether.Needless to say my studies improved overall and I made more progress in the next three years than I had made in the last decade.
It was good that I did because things became more tense and more extreme after the clone war broke out.We stepped up our combat drills, added espionage training, and more intense conditioning.Rumors circulated about sith lords and we began learning to defend ourselves against force using, lightsaber wielding, opponents.I got to know pain very well and I was on a first name basis with all of the medics.
When we received news about the attack on the Jedi temple on Coruscant and the loss of all the younglings we quickly closed shop and the Teepo's scattered.Just as I was about to leave in my starfighter, Master Peters showed up.We docked my fighter in his ship and the two of us set off together to go into hiding.Not many years latter the empire got around to catching up with us.In the firefight we were separated and I barely escaped with my life.I don't know if Quill survived.I struggled on my own for a time.Scrounging for credits with short cons, light guard duty, and even some bounty hunter work.I never stayed very long in one place and constantly changed my name, hair style, and color to avoid building a reputation.Eventually I met a couple of people like me that I could trust.
Personality: Irreverent, curious, mischievous.
Objectives: Locate my master or seek justice for his death.
Quotes: "I've got this." "Try to keep up." "I wonder what happens if I touch this." "Oh no." "Not again!"
Dexterity: 5D
- Blaster: 6D
- (S) Blaster Pistols: 7D
- Brawling Parry: 5D
- Dodge: 5D
- Melee Combat: 5D
- Melee Parry: 5D
- Pick Pocket: 5D
Knowledge: 2D
- Alien Species: 2D
- Cultures: 2D
- Intimidation: 2D
- Languages: 2D
- Streetwise: 2D
- Survival: 2D
- Willpower: 3D
Mechanical: 3D
- Communications: 3D
- Repulsorlift Operation: 3D
- Sensors: 3D
- Space Transports: 3D
- Starfighter Pilot: 3D
- Starship Gunnery: 3D
- Starship Shields: 3D
Perception: 3D+2
- Bargain: 3D+2
- Con: 6D
- Forgery: 3D+2
- Gambling: 3D+2
- Hide: 3D+2
- Investigation: 3D+2
- Persuation: 3D+2
- Search: 4D
- Sneak: 6D
Strength: 2D
- Brawling: 2D
- Stamina: 2D
Technical: 2D
- Blaster Repair: 2D
- Computer Programming/Repair: 2D
- First Aid: 2D
- Space Transport Repair: 2D
- Starfighter Repair: 2D
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: yes
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 6
Credits: 3,345
Special Abilities:
- Sneak: Orions are brought up being steathy. Add 2D to any sneak check.
- Streetwise: Orions travel the universe and live in the underworld. The learn alot about the criminal world and receive a +1D bonus to any streetwise roll.
- Blue Cocaine: Blue Cocaine is an extremely dangerous hallucinogenic drug to Orions. When taken by Orions it causes powerful hallucinations for 1-4 days. While drugged the Orion is completely disorientated and very susceptible to manic depression and has a 5% chance to kill himself outright and a 60% chance to do himself some bodily harm. Many Orions yearn to try the drug once, curious to see if it is as good as others say it its. Prudent Orions avoid Blue Cocaine at all costs.
- Bargaining: Orions are masters at bargaining and add 1D+2 to all bargaining rolls (Note: This doesn't mean they know the actual value of the item, that's the Value skill] they are just great con artists)
- Ambidexterity
- Curiosity
Force Abilities:
- Control: 4D
- Sense: 3D+2
- Alter: 1D+1
Force Powers:
- Control
- Sense
- Alter
- Control / Sense
- Control / Sense / Alter
- Jedi Utility Belt
- 2 Medpacs
- Glow Rod
- 3 days food capsules
- Aquata Breather
- Tool Kit
- Spare Power Pack
- Energy Cell
- Blaster Repair Kit
- Datapad
- Nilar Field Cauterizer
- Water Purifying Canteen
- Snooper Goggles w/ photo-reducing sensors (won't be blinded by flashes of light)
- 2 Vacuum Suits
- 350 credits worth of clothing
- electronic blaster sighting system
- 4 power packs
- Extra dynamic power cell for "Mrs. Nesbit"
- Assorted Grapplers
- 150M of high strength thincord
- Spacers Chest
- "Mrs. Nesbit" Blaster Pistol
- Caelli-Merced Series III Blaster
- Verti-Go Line Thrower
- Talon Vibrodagger