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Hello there and welcome to my personal rant.
[hide]About Me
I'm from Germany and started with D6 Star Wars in the late 80s, as a player. Unfortunately I have not played it often and am actually just now beginning to play in a campaign (Yeah, I know - my loss). I have been improving and creating a few articles here and improved some more in the general (German) Wikipedia (general RPG articles and major work on articles for the Cthulhu Mythos and Steampunk) - under the same pseudonym: Kurst.
As I chose my new Star Wars charakter to also be the chronicler of the campaign, I'll record some things in this Wiki while also contributing what I can.
- May the Force be with you
The Current Campaign: Retrieval
- Character
- UrYōma, of the empty hand, an UrRu mystic
- Padawan
- Codi Ita (a young and ambitious Twi'lek
- Character's Main Background Events
- The Great Division
- When the race of the UrSkek shattered the Ur-Crystal, he was created from DarYōma. His counterpart became SkekDar, the weaponsmaster. The shattering of the crystal resulted in the shards being scattered around the galaxy and the remaining main body of the crystal to also be lost (but maybe the Skek have already recoved it)
- The meeting with Shimura
- When the Jedi Shimura came to Thra the long conversations with UrYōma convinced both that there must be a way of the Force beyond technology, wich is just the easy and quick way, like the dark side.
- Character's Main Goals
- Properly train and guide Codi in the way of the light side of the force
- Find the lost shards of the Ur-Crystal and restore it.
- Refine the ways of UrTek-Ná (a philosophy of thought, movement and combat, inspired by the Ka-Combat technique of the Monks of Shimura)
- additional current goals
- Tell the story of the group → Campaign Chronicle
- Collect info on possible places for Ur-Shards
- Find Kyra Danjapa, the renegade Jedi student who seems to have lost her mind when investigating an old holocron. The trail of the renegade led him from Tython to Ord Mantell. There, the Esseles was the only ship leaving the planet, so the trail actually led onward to Coruscant where she left the planet bound for Nar Shadda and the luxury liner "Queen of Nal Hutta". There she stole one of the ancient Ur-Shards and escaped to parts unknown...
- → meditate regularly on her location: use Concentration (Control: Easy) to boost Life Sense (Sense: Very Easy +12 (met once) +30 (anywhere in the Galaxy) => difficulty ca. 45
- Devise a training regimen for Codi that is demanding, but not frustrating...
- Also such a training has to somehow integrate well with the UrTek-Ná philosophy...
To Train a Padawn
- Thoughts
- Roleplaying the Master of a Padawan is not an easy task. Care must be taken to not force the student's studying and not to stifle it, but to encourage it to grow along the lines of the light side. Also the roleplaying aspect should spotlight the relationship between the two without taking away the fun for the other characters in the group. Fortunately the Master-Padawan relationship lends itself eaily for adventuring as it is a learning by example relationship. But it can be fun to explore the roleplaying aspects of training.
Litany of Focussed Light
A training execise for Lightsabre Combat
First Stanza of the Litany of Focussed Light |
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
When The student passes the test of Stamina and Willpower of the fourth stage he has mastered the first Stanza of the Litany of the Focussed Light |
If the Student has any Darkside Points, each initial difficulty is raised by one level per point. This also affects the minimum difficulties after successes.
After the First Stanza has been mastered, the student can repeat it any time without making any rolls and he will succeed automatically, except if he has acquired any Darkside Points. In that case he needs to make the following rolls if he has acquired 1 Darkside Point:
- Sense (Moderate)
- Control (Difficult)
- Ligthtsabre (Moderate)
- Willpower (Difficult)
For each additional Darkside Point these difficulties are further increased by one level each.
To practice Lightsabre defense it is necessary to attack the student. Ideally the attacks should start with very regular patterns. Droid attacks would be good for this (simmple marksman drone). So: 1. stage:
- a) program a simple, regular, stationary attack pattern into the drone and set intensity to very low and set voice commands for start & stop (1 pip damage)(Very Easy Droid Programming)
- b) defend against the attacks using the lightsabre
- Lightsabre (heroic) or
- Control (Moderate) & Lightsabre (Difficult)
- Sense (very easy) & Lightsabre (easy)
(→ success lowers difficulties by 1 level ???)
2. stage: random attack pattern, still stationary, 2 pip damage (easy Droid Programming)
- Sense (easy) & Lightsabre (easy)
3. stage: random attack pattern, random movement (keep 2 meters distance to student), moderate skill (3d6), 1D6 damage (easy Droid Programming)
To Train Yourself
- Thoughts
- constant training is part of a Jedi's life, but roleplaying it, or bringing it into a session can be boring to the otherplayers and should be avoided. Although, I find it refershing if a player sometimes mentions non-adventuring activities of a charcter in order to make the other players a bit curious about wht that character might be up to...
Litany of the Empty Hand (UrTek-Ná)
Stage 1:
- place a buring candle approximately at arm's length, just out of reach
- strike at the flame, so it is extinguished without damaging or toppling the candle itself.
- Difficulty:
- Sense (Easy) & Brawling (Moderate)
Stage 2:
- levitate a burning candle, as before at arm's length, just out of reach
- start moving the candle in a stable orbit around yourself
- strike at the flame to extinguish it without touching the candle -
- Difficulty
- Alter (Easy)
- Sense (Easy) & Brawling (Moderate)
Stage 3:
- levitate two burning candles in different directions around yourself
- start moving them in different, but stable orbits around yourself
- strike at the flames simultaneously to extinguish them without touching the candles
- Difficulty to complete the full stage:
- Alter (Easy)
- Willpower (Easy)
- Sense (Moderate) & Brawling (Difficult)
Force Path of the UrRu
The way of the Force that UrRu practice is based on their belief that everything in the universe goes in spirals. This means that whereever or however someone or something has ever been, he will be close to that situation again and again and again, but will never be the same. Like a point on the spiral, that when you move along it's bend will come very close to that point, but will never actually touch it. For the UrRu the spiral does not hold any information about the length of time involved for such a closeness, because beings and things move along the spiral in speeds that can even differ from moment to moment. Only the fact is certain, that a closeness will occur.
Thus lives of beings are seen: every spiral could touch every other spiral and they are thus connected in some way and could cross paths. Although it it not certain that the spiral of an individual is long enough to touch a specific other, when they touch, it is certain that they will touch again.
The pattern that is formed by the spirals of things and beings forms the tapestry of the force. A great pattern that connects everything to everything else and it is trhis pattern that the UrRu sense when they Sense the Force. And it it this pattern that they manipulate when the Control or Alter it.
- Game Information:
- The Path of the UrRu interprets the Force skills slightly differently, although the difference is very subtle.
- Sense = sensing the pattern of spirals, especially their connection points
- Control = affecting one's own spiral
- Alter = affecting the spiral of other beings or objects
- For example the UrRu interpretation of the Control Another's Pain power would be that the Pain of another being is taken away from from that being and moved to the UrRu (Alter). Then the UrRu "controls" this pain in himself (Control).
This also causes them to be very careful when using the Alter skill because any alteration is by itself starting a new spiral, so the effects of any alteration will also come back to the one who did it - over and over again.
There are two things that followers of this path avoid as much as possible:
- To end another spiral - although sometimes it cannot be avoided to kill, it would end a spiral and thus damage the pattern.
- To Alter the thought spiral of beings because the damge that can be done is too great. It can drive the affected being to the dark side and could even negatively afect more other beings that just the directly affected one.
Page Projects
- Current Projects
- Retrieval [ongoing]
- Retrieval's Old Republic Sourcebook [ongoing]
- User:Kurst/Campaign Chronicle
- User:Kurst/Drafts
- User:Kurst/Gallery of Races
- User:Kurst/Crossover:Mekton
- User:Kurst/Story Lines:Operation Rimfire
- User:Kurst/DarkSpace Sector
- Finished Projects
- Davaab Mandalorian Starfighter
- Dromund Kaas
- GE3 Protocol Droid
- Harrower Class Dreadnaught
- Kath Hound
- Kellenech Technologies
- Khan
- Kolto
- Kolto tank
- KT-400 Military Droid Carrier
- M3-M1 Medical Droid
- Praetorian-Class Frigate
- Sabacc
- Senate Building
- Sentinel Droid
- Star Map
- T1 Bulk Loader Droid
- T3 Utility Droid
- Thra
- UrRu
- UrTek-Ná
- UrYōma [updated as story progresses]
- X2-C3 Astromech Droid