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(from the Retrieval storyline)

  • Character Name: UrYōma
  • Type: Mystic
  • Gender/Species: UrRu
  • Age: 5000+
  • Height: ca. 1,40 m; 4,10 m long
  • Weight: ca. 160 kg
  • A Quote: "The Force is not a tool. You are the tool. You only need to decide which side's tool you want to become."
  • Physical Description: An ancient, four armed alien who moves in a slow shamble
UrYoma small.jpg

Urru by disezno-small.jpg

Dexterity 2D+1

  • Brawling Parry 4D+1
  • Dodge 4D+1
  • Blaster 2D+2

Perception 3D

  • Gambling 3D+1

Knowledge 3D

  • Willpower 3D+1
  • Scholar: Jedi Lore 4D
  • Scholar: Sith Lore 4D

Strength 4D

  • Brawl 5D+1
  • Climbing/Jumping

Mechanical 1D

  • Communications 1D+1

Technical 2D+2

  • First Aid 5D
  • (A) Medicine 1D+1
  • Special Abilities
  • 4 arms - +1D Brawling
  • Tough skin +1D vs. P/E damage
  • can survive space with just a face-mask for breathing
  • Force skills:
    Control 3D+2, Sense 3D+1, Alter 3D+1
  • Move: 7
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Points: 3
  • Dark Side Points: -
  • Character Points: 8

Force Powers:

Control: Concentration, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Accelerate Healing
Sense: Sense Force, Life Detection, Life Sense, Danger Sense (Ur-Variant), Magnify SensesMS
Alter: Telekinesis, Light, Paralysing Touch
Control/Sense: Hide Force Sensitivity
Control/Alter: Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force, Accelerate Another's HealingAAH, Detoxify Poison in AnotherDPiA
Sense/Alter: UrTek-Ná

Equipment: Archaic Lightsaber (5D), hooded robe, Medkit with 2 refills, 4 Mandalorian blaster pistols, simple PTP Link, 1500 Cr

Spacer's Chest: ancient Holocron that contains the personality of three jedi-teachers, Training Droid, Ancient Sithsabre (broken), shard of the UrSkek force-crystal1 (kept in a stasis field)

1) see Objectives below

Background: When Shimura came to Thra a few hundred years ago he met the UrRu who had slowly started to emerge from their induced stone age. Through the interchange of ideas he was influenced to found his order while the UrRu were taught a way to look for the lost shards of the force crystal in the vastness of space and UrYōma found the basics of UrTek-Ná an art of thought, movement and combat that, once complete would be a twin to the Ka Combat that Shimura developed at the time. UrYōma has travelled the galaxy ever since.

Personality: Very calm and thoughtful, he does not act rash. He always has a wise comment when his padawan becomes nervous. He acts as if he was even slower than he actually is.

He still remembers the time when the Jedi Code was referred to as:

Emotion, yet peace - Ignorance, yet knowledge - Passion, yet serenity - Chaos, yet harmony - Death, yet the Force.

Rather than the "modern" version of Odan-Urr:

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

UrYōma is also not a direct follower of the Jedi Code although his view of the universe is compatible enough to be accepted as a Jedi by the Order. An important difference is that he believes that the manipulation of the mind of other beings is a way to the dark side and can result in the manipulated being to turn to the dark side. Thus it is to be avoided. Also the lightsaber is not a thing of pride or importance, it is just a useful tool - and not even necessarily for combat.


  • Find the force-crystal shards and the main crystal that were lost millennia ago, then work to heal the crystal. Upon completion, become one with the force (a force-ghost maybe).
    - The fist shard was discovered being a part of the necklace called "Dark Eye of Sejhel" in the posession of the imperial noble Qi'ellani Del'herrow, but stolen by Kyra Danjapa. It's current location is unknown. Sometimes he tries to meditate deeply using Concentration and Life Sense to find Kyra.
    - The second shard was found and recovered from a Sith tomb on Dromund Kaas in the sarcophagus of Aloysius Kallig.
    - Browsing through the files of the holonet he stumbled over the planet Obroa-skai that is supposed to contain an extensive library of nearly half a million species. He now intends to visit that library to search for clues on the appearance of any shards in the history of the past 5000 years.
  • Perfect the art of UrTek-Ná, the "Way of the Empty Hand" – this path would be similar the Path of Ka of the Monks of Shimura (ultimately using brawl instead of the light-sabre).
  • Properly train and guide Codi in the way of the light side of the force (UrThog-Rāmu, the "Way of the Unseen Pattern").
  • Since aquisition of the ancient Holocron, the Jedi souls within are trying to pass on their teachings and promote UrYōma to a Jedi Redeemer, a Jedi that brings back fallen Jedi to the Light Side.

Connection with Characters:

  • Codi Ita is UrYōma's padawan.
    Codi had been a student at the Temple on Tython but had been rejected by several Masters already when UrYōma arrived on the planet to search for hints to the lost Ur-Crystal shards. While the UrRu philosophy and the UrTek-Ná that UrYōma practices are not exactly the same as the Jedi code, they had been similar enough for him to be accepted by the local masters as one of their own. When UrYōma learned of Codi, he watched the young Twi'lek for quite a while and when Codi's tutor was killed by Kyra Danjapa he asked for the young, wild and ambitious youth to be assigned to him as padawan.
    He as been teaching and protecting Codi since then and in turn regained some of Codi's youthful energy and drive to motivate himself out of the lethargy of the centuries that he has already lived.
  • Tee seems to be the heir to a great heritage in the Force, although she does not really accept it. She holds a holocron that she regards as very dear, yet is afraid of it or of what it contains in a very strange way.
  • Leigh seems to be extremely selfish and self centered to the point of potentially allying herself with the Dark Side, but this actually looks like a shell to protect her true self...
  • Mara Ri has shown him the ways of subterfuge and negotiation. It remains yet unknown how this will affect the old UrRu (~ episode 7).
  • Jessandra, called Jess lost her husband to the Empire aboard the Subjugator is is currently living a self destructive life of revenge. She makes herself useful whenever she can.
  • Avar joined the group on Dromund Kaas and seems very keen on staying and helping for yet unknown reasons.

Starting Characteristics

  • Character Name: UrYōma
  • Type: Mystic
  • Gender/Species: UrRu
  • Age: 5000+
  • Height: ca. 1,40 m; 4,10 m long
  • Weight: ca. 160 kg
  • A Quote: "The Force is not a tool. You are the tool. You only need to decide which side's tool you want to become."
  • Physical Description: An ancient, four armed alien who moves in a slow shable
UrYoma small.jpg

Dexterity 2D+1

  • Brawling Parry 4D+1
  • Dodge 4D+1

Perception 3D

Knowledge 3D

Strength 4D

  • Brawl 5D

Mechanical 1D

Technical 2D+2

  • First aid 4D+2
  • Special Abilities
  • 4 arms - +1D Brawling
  • Tough skin +1D vs. P/E damage
  • can survisve space with just a face-mask for breathing
  • Force skills:
    Control 1D, Sense 2D, Alter 1D

Control: Concentration, Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Sense: Sense Force
Alter: Telekinesis

  • Move: 7
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Points: 2
  • Dark Side Points: -
  • Character Points: 5

Starting Equipment: Archaic Lightsaber (5D), hooded robe, Medpac

Source: Created by Kurst (talk)