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"You have the distinct honor of being spoken to by Charal, Witch-Queen of this god-forsaken moon. You have come to serve my desires, have you not?"

"I told you there was no escape."

Type: Dark Jedi - Nightsister
Species: Dathomirian
Homeworld: Dathomir
Height: 1.77 meters
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Gender: Female

Dexterity 3D (5D+2 in bird form)
Blaster 4D+2, Brawling Parry 6D, Dodge 5D+2, Melee Combat 4D+2, Melee Parry 5D+2, Thrown Weapons 4D+2

Knowledge 3D+1
Cultures 4D+2, Intimidation 5D+1, Languages 3D+2 & Survival 5D+2

Mechanical 3D
Beast Riding 7D+1

Perception 3D+2

Strength 2D+1 (1D+1 in bird form)
Brawling 4D+1, Climbing/Jumping 3D+2 & Swimming 3D+2

Technical 2D+2
Rope-making 4D & Sewing 4D

Special Abilities:
Force Abilities:

  • Control 2D+2 Sense 4D Alter 4D+1

Known Force Powers:
Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Hibernation Trance & Rage

Instinctive Astrogation, Life Detection, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Sense Force Potential & Shift Sense

Force Push, Injure/Kill & Telekinesis

Control & Sense:
Farseeing & Projective Telepathy

Control & Alter:
Inflict Pain & Waves of Darkness

Sense & Alter:
Force Wind

Control, Sense & Alter:
Affect Mind, Create Force Storms, Drain Life Energy & Telekinetic Kill

  • This character is Force-sensitive.

Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: 10
Notes: Charal's magic ring gives her the ability to transform into a giant raven-like bird. In bird form, her Dexterity is increased by +2D+2, her Strength score is reduced by –1D, and she can fly with a Move score of 20. In bird form, Charal can attack with her claws for her Strength rating in damage.

Charal was a Nightsister Dark Jedi who turned her back on the order and left Dathomir. The Nightsisters pursued her, and to escape them, she joined a band of Sanyassan Marauders. Their vessel crashed on the uncharted forest moon of Endor, and the Sanyassan warlord set himself up as king. Roughly a century after their arrival, the Marauders were alive due to the species' longevity and Charal due to the powers granted to her by the Force-sensitive crystal on the ring she always wore. It is possible the ring was one of the powerful Force-imbued artifacts the Nightsisters used, or possibly a Sith artifact.

Charal hated the forest moon of Endor, and constantly sought to venture offworld. She was highly derisive of her ally, King Terak, and one day hoped to put an end to her alliance with him. The Witch-Queen also had a very low opinion of her slave, Lizardman, and wished that she possessed a more intelligent assistant. She reacted to any insubordination or lack of respect from what she regarded to be her inferiors with great chagrin.

Charal had a habit of unconsciously referring to those in her service as "slave" or "servant," although she would immediately correct herself upon doing so. The Witch-Queen also placed a great deal of stock in the power of a standard item such as a comlink, believing it would grant her all manner of power.

Source: Wookieepedia for biographical information.