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Resik Jinzler

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Jedi Guardian

  • Character Name:
  • Type: Jedi Guardian
  • Gender/Species: /Human (Corellian)
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • A Quote:" "
  • Physical Description:
Character Picture here
  • Dexterity 4D
  • Acrobatics 5D
  • Blaster 6D
  • Brawling Parry 5D
  • Dodge 6D
  • Lightsaber combat 8D+1
  • Melee Combat
  • Melee Parry
  • Running 4D+1
  • Vehicle Blasters
  • Perception 4D
  • Bargain 5D
  • Command 5D+1
  • Con 5D
  • Hide 5D+2
  • Investigation 5D
  • Persuasion 5D
  • Search 5D
  • Sneak 5D+2
  • Streetwise 4D+2
  • Knowledge 2D
  • Alien Species
  • Intimidation 2D
  • Jedi lore(S) 5D+2
  • Languages 3D
  • Law enforcement 4D
  • Planetary Systems
  • Survival 3D
  • Tactics (military) 5D
  • Willpower 8D
  • Strength 4D
  • Brawling 5D
  • Climbing/Jumping
  • Stamina 4D+2
  • Swimming
  • Mechanical 2D
  • Astrogation
  • Beast Riding 2D+1
  • Communications 2D+1
  • Repulsorlift Operation 5D
  • Space Transports 3D
  • Starship Gunnery 4D
  • Starship Shields
  • Technical 2D
  • Blaster Repair
  • Computer programming/repair 4D
  • Droid programming 5D
  • Droid Repair 5D
  • First Aid 5D
  • Lightsaber repair 5D
  • Repulsorlift Repair 3D
  • Security 5D
  • Special Abilities
  • Control 7D
  • Sense 7D
  • Alter 7D
  • Move 10
  • Force Sensitive? Yes
  • Force Points 23
  • Dark Side Points
  • Character Points 32,

Special Abilities:

Control: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Burst of Speed, Calm, Concentration, Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Emptiness, Enhanced Attribute, Heal, Hibernation Trance
Sense: Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Electronic Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Disturbance, Sense Force Strength, Sense Spirit, Truth Sense
Alter: Force Bolt, Force Push, Grenade Defense, Injure/Kill, Light, Strengthen/Weaken Material, Telekinesis
Control/Sense: Farseeing, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Speak With Machine
Control/Alter: Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain
Sense/Alter: Lesser Force Shield
Control/Sense/Alter: Affect Mind
Special: Lifemerge



  • Windu Saber (Purple blade) (5D)
  • Light Rapier (4D)
  • Vibroblade (Str+2D)


Helmet (+1 Physical/Energy) Contains Macrobinocular, comlink and breath mask capabilities 1D weapon link)
Flex-Armor (1D Physical/Energy -1Dex)
Mandalorian Cortosis Bracers (ancient, +2 physical/+1 energy/+1d against lightsabers). If a lightsaber blade touches the cortosis bracer, it is deactivated (though the strike still deals normal damage) and remains inoperative for 2 minutes.


  • DataCards (x6)
  • Standard ComLink
  • 7080 galactic credits
  • Platinum Pieces (16) value 182 credits by weight per coin
  • Shattered Lightsaber housing


Key Items:

Windu Saber (Purple Blade) (5D)*
Revan Crystal**
  • Mace Windu's lightsaber has a shifting difficulty (25 to 30) due to the Jedi Master's level of attunment with the item.  In the AtF storyline it contains a force imprint of the Master's final moments.

  • The Revan Crystal is an artifact recovered from the Unknown Regions.  A lightsaber crystal containing a force imprint/ghost/spirit from an ancient force user named Revan.  Her spirit has access to her previous knowledge and will teach Force skills on occasion.  Revan, having been both jedi and sith, will teach without regard for the student's particular leanings on that particular index.  When slotted into a lightsaber and activated, the spirit appears as if a hologram


BIT (Modified Marksman-H Training Remote)
RJunk (Near scrap R-Series droid)





     Just under 6' tall with a fighter's build.  His body has taken enough physical abuse to have killed him a dozen times over.  Only an unlocked talent for a self healing force technique has kept him from joining with the force.  It might explain the odd scars he says were from sucking chest wounds.  Brown haired, green eyed, his features would blend in as any other Correlian if it wasn't for a near military haircut.  Hopefuly, he'll have time for it to grow out.  Some people want to have a few words with him.


     Humble and good-natured, Resik originally had a problem with self-confidence, something which was not helped by working with Jorus C'baoth, who was very sure of himself, and expected any Padawan of his to feel the same.  C'baoth was harsh, arrogant and critical.
     When Outbound Flight was attacked and C'baoth fell to the Dark side before his death, Resik thought he would need to refrain from forcing his beliefs onto others to avoid a similar fall.  As a result, he followed some questionable orders.  Another of the survivors of the attack, a captain of a small vessel, ordered him to fire in the area of some primative natives.  He did so and quickly had to deal with the truth of his actions.

Player Callsign Fr3d.EXE
Template: Jedi Guardian
Species: Human (Corellian)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150Lbs.
Age: 18
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: Master Jorus C'Baoth (Deceased)
Apprentice: Padawan Newt
Ship(s): None
Droid(s): BIT


Known Associates:


Resik MovieP.jpg