Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Name: Rothgr
Type: Dark Grey Jedi
Species: Noghri
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 55kg
Age: 40
Gender: male
Physical Description: Noghri
Background: Was normal Noghri growing up. One day a ship came to my village and took me. This stranger said I was special. I was told to accept this person as my master or die. I wanted to live. After years of training, I was sent to follow my instincts and listen to my feelings. I seek to bring the chaos of my mind to the universe...
Personality: Aggressive
Objectives: To be free...
Dexterity: 5D
- blaster: 5D
- bows: 5D
- brawling parry: 5D
- dodge: 5D
- firearms: 5D
- light saber: 6D+2
- melee combat: 5D
- melee parry: 5D
- (S) martial arts parry: 6D+2
- running: 5D
- thrown weapons: 5D
Knowledge: 3D
- intimidation: 3D
- languages: 3D
- scholar: 3D
- streetwise: 3D
- survival: 3D
- tactics: 3D
- willpower: 3D
Mechanical: 3D
- astrogation: 3D
- beast riding: 3D
- capital ship gunnery: 3D+2
- communications: 3D
- ground vehicle ops.: 3D
- sensors: 3D
- starfighter pilot: 4D
- starship gunnery: 3D+2
- starship shields: 3D+1
Perception: 4D
- bargain: 4D
- command: 4D
- con: 4D
- forgery: 4D
- hide: 4D
- investigation: 4D
- persuasion: 4D
- search: 4D+1
- sneak: 4D
Strength: 5D
- brawling: 5D
- (S) martial arts: 6D+2
- climbing/jumping: 5D
- lifting: 5D
- stamina: 5D
- swimming: 5D
Technical: 3D
- armor repair: 3D
- blaster repair: 3D
- computer prog/repair: 3D
- demolitions: 3D
- droid repair: 3D
- droid programming: 3D
- first aid: 3D
- light saber repair: 3D
- security: 3D
- star fighter rpr: 3D
- starship weapon rpr: 3D
Move: 18
Force Sensitive:
Force Points: 4
Dark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 22
Credits: 1,500,950
Special Skills:
- Brawling: martial arts Time to use: one round. This specialized form of brawling combat employs techniques that the Noghri are taught at an early age. Because of the deceptively fast nature of this combat, Noghri receive +2D to their skill when engaged in brawling with someone who doesn't have brawling: martial arts, Also, when fighting someone without this skill, they also receive a +1D+2 bonus to the damage they do in combat.
Special Abilities:
- Claws: Noghri have powerful claws (add +1D to damage in brawling combat) and sharp teeth (add +2D to damage in brawling combat).
- Stealth: Noghri have such a natural ability to be stealthy that they receive a +2D when using their hide or sneak skills.
- Enhanced Senses: Because the Noghri have a combination of highly-specialized senses, they receive a +2D when using their search skill.
Force Abilities:
- Control: 4D
- Sense: 4D
- Alter: 3D+1
Force Powers:
- Control
- Sense
- Alter
- Control / Sense
- Control / Atler
- Sense / Alter
- Control / Sense / Alter
- SoroSuub “Renegade” Heavy Blaster Pistol
- Zentarian Sticky Grenade: 4
- Sith Gauntlet: Str+1D+2 damage
- Lightsaber (5D+2 Damage) Silvery Purple colored blade
- Lightsaber (5D+1 Damage) Yellow colored blade
- Blast Vest (Force Strengthened)
- Physical: +7D
- Energy: +6D+1
- Light Saber: +3D
- Krail 210 Personal Armor (Modified & Force Strengthened)
- Physical: +9D
- Energy: +8D
- Light Saber: +3D
- Movement:Suit has a Move of 16, with movement rolled on powersuit operation skill
- Power Suit: +1D to lifting
- Sensor Pod: +1D to search
- Integral Internal Line Slinger: 20-meter range. Can attach to grappling or magnetic hooks. Uses missile weapons skill.
- Jet Pack: Has a Move of 100 meters horizontally, 70 meters vertically. Uses jet pack operation skill, base difficulty is Easy, modified by obstacles. Has 20 charges, can expend up to two per round.
- Winch: Capable of lifting 100 kg
- Internal Dual Force Blades: STR+3D damage, Moderate melee combat difficulty.
- Sealed Enviro Filter: Filter system can block out harmful molecules, or in case of insufficient or deadly atmosphere, the suit can completely seal, drawing upon a two-hour internal supply of oxygen.