The classic X-Wing…and variants.

Today’s “X” factor will be the classic X-Wing starfighter. Researching the history behind this iconic Rebel fighter led me to share its Legends description:

The X-wing was a prominent series of multiple starfighters produced by Incom with a characteristic “X”-shape of four wings, known as S-foils, extending out from the fuselage. These starfighters were found in the service of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and also the Galactic Alliance. They were originally meant for the Galactic Empire but when the entire Incom design team defected with the prototypes to the Rebel Alliance this deal was over. Despite this, however, at least one X-wing was stolen by a Stormtrooper.

Now, we’ve got variants of the X-Wing over the past 120 years ABY (your canon may vary):

The T-65 Series:

The XJ Series:

Then there’s a few extra variants:

The sources are listed within the filenames once you click the link. We don’t have all the ones listed at Wookiepedia statted. If you care to share your versions of the ones we’re missing, leave a comment!

Another thing in the future will be the fighter highlighted in Episode VII : The Force Awakens…but that’s a book all in itself….

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