May The Fourth Weekend didn’t go like I planned.
I had a pick-up game scheduled for Friday night. I’d planned this months in advance, but then the new house came through.
I thought I had everything moved in and ready. I didn’t. I rescheduled for Sunday…
..forget these excuses. I let you down, and for that, I apologize. I wanted to play just as much as you did. I wanted to have a live recording of Shooting Womp Rats too, and that fell through.
As an apology, there are prizes going out for a few participants. Everyone that was slated to play is getting a copy of Breachworld in PDF format. A few lucky players are going to get a copy of REUP Mark II, The Art of The Empire Strikes Back, and some other prizes. You’ll be emailed if you won, and congrats to those lucky folk!
It’s okay. We still love you.