Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Star Systems
A star system, also known as a planetary system or simply a system, was a group of bodies orbiting a star.
Star systems usually consisted of one or more planets, and the debris remaining from the formation of the primary planets and central star, such as comets and asteroids.
The galactic standard approach to naming star systems was to base the name off the central star or planet.
There are seven billion one hundred million (7,100,000,000) stars in the known galaxy, with approximately three billion two hundred million (3,200,000,000) habitable star systems. Only about a billion (1,000,000,000) of these systems have life. Only sixty-nine million (69,000,000) of those systems meet population requirements for Imperial representation. All star systems are given coordinates that are used by navicomputers to permit space travel.
- Deep Core
- Core Worlds
- Colonies
- Inner Rim
- Expansion Region
- Mid Rim
- Outer Rim
- Wild Space
- Hutt Space
- Corporate Sector
- Unknown Region
- Aar
- Aaris
- Aargau
- Abanol
- Abo Dreth
- Abregado-dai
- Abregado-fus
- Abregado-rae
- Abregado-san
- Abregado-taki
- Abrion Major
- Acherin
- Adarlon
- Adim
- Adumar
- Af'El
- Affavan
- Agamar
- Agost
- Aiquin
- Ahug
- Akura II
- Alashan
- Alcrue
- Alderaan
- Alee
- Algnadesh
- Alisandor
- Almania
- Almar
- Alpheridies
- Alzoc III
- Amar
- Ambria
- Ammuud
- Anaxes
- Andalia
- Andasala
- Ankus
- Annaj
- Anoat
- Anobis
- Anoth
- Ansion
- Aphran IV
- Arabanth
- Aragon
- Arat Fraca
- Arbra
- Archais
- Arden
- Ardru
- Arganu
- Arkanis
- Asamin
- Asdroni - Moon
- Asmeru
- Atchorb
- Atraken
- Atzerri
- Auyemesh - Moon
- Aylayl
- Babbadod
- Bak
- Bakarr
- Bakura
- Bakura-5
- Bakura-6
- Bakura-7
- Bakura-8
- Baldavia
- Balmorra
- Ban-Satir II
- Barab I
- Barab II
- Barab III
- Baralou
- Barlok
- Baros
- Bastion
- Batoine
- Belkadan
- Berchest
- Berri
- Besero
- Bespin
- Bestine IV
- Bethal III
- Bextar
- Biewa
- Bilbringi VII
- Bimmisaari
- Binaros
- B'Knos
- Blom III
- Bodrin
- Bogo Rai
- Bogden
- Bogden 3
- Bonadan
- Bonadan - Orbital Position B
- Bonadan - Orbital Position C
- Bonadan - Orbital Position F
- Bonadan - Orbital Position G
- Bonadan - Orbital Position H
- Boonda's Moon
- Bootana Shagplan
- Borao
- Bory
- Bothawui
- Bovo Yagen
- Boz Pity
- Bpfassh
- Brentaal
- Brigia
- Brochiib
- Brolsam
- Brosi
- Burcana
- Byss
- Caamas
- Cala
- Calfa
- Calfa-5
- Calipp
- Caloria
- Cambria
- Canti
- Caprioril
- Carlania
- Carnovia
- Carratos
- Carrivar
- Casna Aure
- Casna Besh
- Catlia
- Cato Neimodia
- Cattamascar
- Celwis
- Cessed
- Chaitun
- Chalcedon
- Chandrila
- Charis
- Charubah
- Chazwa
- Cheruba
- Chel
- Chosper
- Christophsis
- Chrona
- Cioral
- Circumtore
- Clak´Dor VII
- Codian Moon
- Colsa
- Cona
- Cono
- Constancia
- Copero
- Corellia
- Corjain
- Corlaasi
- Cormit
- Corsin
- Corulag
- Coruscant
- Corvanni IV
- Coyn
- Crakull
- Credquant
- Crondre
- Crooloy
- Crustai
- Crystan V
- Csaus
- Csilla
- Csorb
- Cuirass II
- Cyax
- Cyborrea
- Da Soocha
- Da Soocha III - Moon
- Da Soocha V - Moon
- Daermor
- Dagobah
- Dantooine
- Danoor
- Darepp
- Darghul
- Daruvvia
- Dathomir
- Davirien
- Dega
- Delanoth
- Dellalt
- Deltooine
- Demesel
- Denon
- Derylin
- Desten
- D'ian
- Ding Briar
- Dirha
- Divora
- Diyu
- Djurmo
- Dles IV
- DNX-N1
- Dolomar
- Donadus
- Donoa
- Doornik-2077
- Dorcin
- Dorvalla
- Dorvalla IV
- Dra III
- Drall (Corellia-system)
- Dreena
- Dremulae
- Dressel
- Drewwa - Moon
- Drex IV
- Drog II
- Drog VI
- Droma
- Drongar
- Drunkenwell
- Dubrillion/Destrillion
- Du Hutta
- Dulvoyinn
- Durace
- Duro (Planet)
- Duroon
- Ebaq
- Echnos
- Eclipse (planet)
- Ediorung
- Ekibo
- Elgit
- Eliad
- Elom (Planet)
- Elrood
- Empress Teta
- Endor
- Enkep
- Entralla
- Eol Sha
- Ergeshui
- Eriadu
- Er'stacia
- Erysthes
- Esfandia
- Esoom
- Esseles
- Ession
- Esyam
- Eton
- Etti IV
- Exocron
- Eyyl - Moon
- Faa
- Fala
- Falleen (Planet)
- Farana
- Farnica
- Far Pando
- Far Ziux
- Farrfin
- Farrine
- Faz
- Febrini
- Felucia
- Fern
- Ferton
- Fether
- Fhost
- Fibuli
- Filordis
- Fii
- Filve
- Firrerre
- Firro
- Fondor
- Formac
- Froz
- Furies Gate
- Fwiis
- Galantos
- Galleefryn II
- Gallinore
- Galpos II
- Galtea
- Gamorr
- Ganath
- Gandle Ott
- Gandeid IV
- Garban
- Garos IV
- Garsala
- Gartana
- Garqi
- Gaurick
- Geedon V
- Generis
- Geonosis
- Geraps Sule
- Gertafuu VI
- Gesaril
- Gibad
- Gillad
- Goluud Minor
- Gorta
- Gorlan
- Goroth
- Gorsh
- Gortamni
- Gos Hutta
- Gree (Planet)
- G'rho
- Groth
- Guiteica
- Gymelo
- Had Abbadon
- Hakassi
- Halco
- Hapes
- Harrandarr
- Harrod's Planet
- Harrin
- Harterra
- Haven - Moon
- Hefi
- Helska 4
- Hiit - Moon
- Hijarna
- Hishyim
- H´nemthe (Prime)
- Hol Kinto
- Hollast VII
- Hollastin
- Hol Simo
- Honoghr
- Hosko
- Houche
- Houll
- Huloon
- Hurikane
- Hyomare
- Iego
- Illareen
- Ilos
- Ilos Minor
- Ilum
- Imoco
- Indar
- Inner Moon
- Inojah
- Intas II
- Intuci
- Iope
- Iqoon
- Iridonia
- Irith
- Issagra
- Iseno
- Isis Prime
- Ithor
- Ithull
- Ivatch
- Iwar
- Jaemus
- Jamiron
- Javis-12 - Asteroid
- Jech
- Jerrilek
- Jerrist VI
- Jike
- Jilrua
- J´t´p´tan
- Jodaka
- Jofoger
- Joiol
- Jomark
- Jomon
- Jovaria
- Jun
- Jwlio - Moon
- Kafane
- Kail
- Kalee
- Kalimahr
- Kalist VI
- Kalla VII
- Kaloo
- Kal'shebbol
- Kamar
- Kamino
- Kammia
- Kamsul
- Karideph
- Kariek
- Kas
- Kashan
- Kashyyyk
- Katorr
- Kavan
- Keeara Major
- Keldooine
- Keres I
- Keres II
- Kesh
- Kessel
- Ket
- Ketaris
- Ketzai
- K'Farri
- Khomm
- Kilia IV
- Kimanan
- Kinooine
- Kinoss
- Kins
- Kintan
- Kintooine
- Kir
- Kiskua
- Kissarm
- Klatooine
- Kleeva
- Knolstee
- Koltine
- Korasa - Moon
- Kor Anjiliac
- Kor Besadii
- Kor Desilijic
- Kor Gejalli
- Kor Hestilic
- Kor Hunamma
- Kor Jiramma
- Kor Nasirii
- Kor Nijiladii
- Kor Oktanivii
- Kor Trinivii
- Kor Usilic
- Kor Utoradii
- Kor Vosadii
- Koda´s World
- Kolatill
- Korev VII
- Korriban
- Koss
- Koteega
- Kothlis
- Kr - Moon
- Krant
- Krev Coeur
- Krevas
- Kriekaal
- Kroctar
- Kro Var
- Ktil
- Kuar
- Kuat
- Kubini
- Kur
- Kur Minor
- Kurg
- Kutag
- Kwapi
- Kynachi
- Laboi II
- Lalmy'ash
- Langoona
- Lant
- Lanthrym
- Lasan
- Lavisar
- Lefar
- Lehon
- Lemmi VI
- Leria Kerlsil
- Lialic
- Lianna
- Lijuter
- Loce
- Lorrd
- Lotra
- Lovola
- Lucazec
- Luum Ava
- Lur
- Lwhekk
- Lyntra
- Lythos I
- Lythos II
- Lythos III
- Lythos IV
- Lythos V
- Lythos VI
- Lythos VII
- Lythos VIII
- Lythos IX
- Lythos X
- Lythos XI
- Lythos XII
- Lythos XIII
- Lythos XIV
- Maal
- Maires
- Mairne
- Malagarr
- Mall'ordian
- Makem Te
- Malastare
- Malterra
- Mandalore
- Mantessa
- Manwess III
- Mase
- Massoss
- Maryo
- Matra VI
- Mawr
- Mayro
- Media
- Mekith
- Meldina
- Merisee
- M4-78
- M'Hanna
- Millinar
- Mima II
- Mimban
- Mindor
- Minraava IV
- Mira
- Miyuu
- Mobus
- Modus
- Mon Calamari
- Molavar
- Monic
- Moorja
- Moralan
- Morcanth
- Morellia
- Mortis
- Mos
- Motexx
- Mozos
- Mrisst
- Mulatan
- Munlali Mafir
- Mustafar
- Mutanda
- Muunilinst
- Mygeeto
- Mylok IV
- Myrkr
- Myron
- Mytus V
- Mytus VI
- Mytus VII
- Mytus VIII
- Naboo
- Nagi
- Nahsu Minor
- Nal Hutta
- Nam Chorios
- Nantuker
- Napdu
- Naporar
- Nal Hutta
- Nal Koska
- Nal Yeshu
- Naos III
- Nar Bo Sholla
- Nar Chunna
- Nar Haaska
- Nar Hekka
- Nar Kaaga
- Nar Kreeta
- Nar Shaddaa - Moon
- Natinati
- Navlaas
- NCW-781
- Near Pando
- Needan
- Neftali
- Neimodia
- Neoli
- New Cov
- New Polokia
- Nimba 5
- Nimban
- Nimia
- Ninn
- Nirauan
- Nkllon
- Nocto
- Noris
- Novi
- Nox
- Nrogu - Moon
- Nubia
- Nubisa
- Null Kesta
- Nur
- Nyrvona
- N´zot
- Obelia
- Oben
- Oberion
- Obri
- Obroa-held
- Obroa-skai
- Ocsin
- Odik II
- Ojom
- Olanji
- Onadax
- Onderon
- Ool
- Oon Tien
- Oordo III
- Oplovis
- Ord Mantell
- Ord Manteene
- Ord Pardron
- Ord Trasai
- O'reen
- Orellon II
- Orelon
- Oriac
- Orinackra
- Ornfra
- Orroman
- Orron III
- Orto
- Osarian
- Oslumpex V
- Osseriton
- Ossus
- Ottabesk
- Outer Moon
- Oyokal
- Pantolomin
- Paonnid
- Pastil
- Patrolia
- Peirs
- Pelutt
- Pembric
- Pengalan IV
- Pergitor
- Pernam Minor
- Peryn
- Pesfavri
- Phelope
- Phiris
- Phoros
- Pirol-5
- Planet of the Red Nebula
- Plintep
- Ploorid III
- Pluthan asteroid field
- Poderis
- Polneye
- Polos
- Poytta
- Prakess
- Prakith
- Pral
- Primus Goluud
- Proxima Dibal
- Pybus
- Pydyr - Moon
- Pypin
- Pyr
- Pzob
- Ragna III
- Rago
- Rainboh
- R'alla
- Rampa I
- Rampa II
- Rake
- Rakrira
- Rattatak
- Rav
- Raxus Prime
- Rbollea
- Reboam
- Reecee
- Regel Eight
- Regellia
- Relephon
- Reltooine
- Relus
- Rentor
- Repplic
- Reuss VIII
- Rhen Var
- Rhigar
- Rhigar 1 - Moon
- Rhigar 3 - Moon
- Rhinnal
- Rhommamool
- Rendili
- Reyna
- Riileb - (Planet)
- Riome
- Risha
- Rishal
- Rishi
- Rishi Moon - Moon
- Rishos
- Roche
- Rodia
- Rodis
- Ronika
- Roon
- Roonadan
- Rorak 4
- Rordak
- Ruan
- Rubler
- Rudrig
- Runaway Prince
- Rutal IV
- Ruu - Moon
- Ruul - Moon
- Ruusan
- Ryloth
- Rynmar
- Saclas
- Sacorria
- Saffalore
- Saheelindeel
- Sakidopa
- Sakiduba
- Sakifwanna
- Sakiya
- Saleucami
- Sanctuary
- Saqqar
- Sargon
- Sarka
- Sarlucif
- Sarvchi
- Schesa
- Sebiris (Kathol Sector)
- Sedri
- Seikosha
- Selab
- Selnesh
- Selonia
- Selvaris
- Sembla
- Sennex
- Serias
- Sernpidal
- Sharb
- Shedu Maad
- Shesharile 5
- Shesharile 6
- Sheva
- Shibric
- Shihon
- Shikaakwa
- Shikitari
- Shinbone
- Shownar
- Shintel
- Shiva IV
- Silken Asteroids
- Simang
- Simaril
- Sionia
- Siquay
- Sirpar
- Sivoria
- Ska Gora
- Skye
- Skor II
- Sleheyron
- Sluiss Van
- Smarteel
- Sneeve
- Socorro
- Solacton
- Soullex
- Sposia
- Spunchina
- Spussion
- Sriluur
- Sronk
- Stalsinek IV
- Stamia
- Starstation 12 - Space Station
- Stenness
- Stic
- Subterrel
- Sullust
- Sumarin
- Sundari
- Sunspot
- Svivren
- Symbia
- Syni IV
- Syvris - Moon
- 23 Mere
- 244Core
- Taanab
- Taboon
- Talcharaim
- Talita
- Tal Nami
- Talus
- Tanger VII
- Tangrene
- Taris
- Tarkin's Fang
- Tasariq
- Tas-La
- Taspan II
- Tatooine
- Taum Reese
- Taxiode
- Teh'Jar II
- Telerath
- Telti
- Tenupe
- Terephon
- Terman
- Teth
- Thearterra
- Theselon
- Th'irus
- Thoadeye
- Tholon
- Thrago - Moon
- Thraisai
- Thrakia
- Thyferra
- Tieos
- Tililix
- Timbra Ott
- Timora
- Tinta
- Tirsa
- Tisht
- Tizon
- Tocoya
- Tof
- Tol
- Tol Amn
- Topa
- Toprawa
- Torega - Moon
- Torize
- Tothis
- Toydaria
- Tragrud
- Travnin - Moon
- Trenal
- Tresidiss
- Trian
- Tri Noer' Ree
- Trogan
- Troiken
- Tralus
- Trop
- Tsoss Beacon - Asteroid
- Tryast
- Tumani
- Tund
- Tu'nang
- Tuvvet
- T'var'k
- Tython
- Tynna
- Udnil II
- Ugor homeworld
- Ukio
- Ulicia
- Ulmatra
- Umaren'k
- Umgul
- Unagin
- Unidentified Pashvi homeworld
- Urdur
- Usk
- Ut
- Utapau
- Uukaablis
- Uvena Prime
- Vaathkree
- Varl
- Varonat
- Varristad
- Vatta Four
- Vengler
- Vergill
- Verla Klest
- Vjun
- Vob
- Vodran
- Vontor
- Vortex
- Vosteltig
- V'shar
- Vulp Major
- Vulp Minor
- Vulpter
- Vulpus
- Yaga Minor
- Yag ´Dhul
- Yalara
- Yanibar
- Yaronn
- Yashuvhu
- Yavin 4
- Yavin 8
- Yavin 13
- Yelsain
- Yen-2
- Yisgga
- Ylesia
- Yntrann
- Yoberra
- Yoggoy
- Yuka
- Yuka Major
- Yuvern
- Zadaria
- Zaddja
- Zalori
- Zamael
- Zaria
- Zeltros
- Zeta 0-9
- Z´fell
- Zhina
- Zhotta 3
- Zigoola
- Zisia
- Ziugen
- Ziux
- Zolan
- Zonama Sekot
- Zonju V
- Z´trop
- Zvbo - Moon
- Zygerria
A few words about the galaxy -please find the article about the galaxy on the article discussion sidebar. Please feel free to improve this side with (stats, pictures, spellchecking, Creature, Races links etc. )
To prevent wrong direction of link, in case a species or race has the same name of a planet, mark the planet with a unique symbol.
All Planets should be sorted in a alphabetical order.
Additional sort order by Region and Star-Sector is still under construction, Sector overviews exist.
Major Regions of Space include: the category types: Deep Core, Core Worlds, Colonies, Inner Rim, Expansion Region, Mid Rim, Outer Rim
The Outer Rim the biggest Space Region, have also a Space called Wild Space
Some Sectors categorys will became double or triple named, because of Imperial oversectors, sector rename under the rule of the Galactical Empire, Sector Slang and the loose boundaries of the sectors itself.
A Star-Map (only view major known points) is in this Star-Map included.
You can also try the galaxy map from here to view the locations of planets and link directly to the wookeepedia pages for them. its a little cheap to use the Wookiee but we are still working on this Holocron. http://starwarsatlas.uw.hu/map/layer/wookiee.htm
To edit a new star system please use (copy-paste) the following