HoloNet News Flash!

According to this post in the Google Plus community, a user by the name of “Bob Ross” gave us the newest information on the newest iteration of REUP:

A very brief note on REUP. Based on what a lot of us set out to do, it ultimately was a failure. It is a collective jumble of hodge-podge rules that is disjointed at best. Now I don’t want to discourage people from using it, it is a pretty almighty book with lots of nice little details. We are all different and like different things, that is what makes us all so unique and special. It is important to be special too. But REUP wasn’t what we had in our minds. And being artists, we are all a little touched, so we decided to make a book just for us.

In that spirit we are pressing on with making a little hardcover book for you to have your happy adventures with. There will be more details to follow, I certainly hope you like the little book we are making.

Now what this means for REUP is unclear at this time, or that the team may not even call it REUP. Details as we get them, and listen to the podcast for our take on this.

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