All posts by Daniel Stull

I'm a 37 year old daddy of two girls, a husband of one wife, and a gamer of many systems, Star Wars D6 being the first and fore-most.

Getting Busy Sucks

Between the two of us, it has been heck trying to record an episode. We’re facing some family issues that both of us have to work out, and we are hoping to get back to recording soon.

How’s that for Christmas, eh?


On the other hand, I hope to have Splinter of the Mind’s Eye complete by the end of the month. It’s really, really small, and if you folks have ideas for filler text, I’ll be glad to hear them over at the SWR gmail address.

Don is being his usual ADD self and has been gathering information to put together an Episode VII sourcebook. More on that as time passes.

Wild Space is on hiatus until we can get it formatted and out the door. We’re not giving up on the dream, we just need more.

Thanks for all your support during 2015, Merry Christmas from us, and let’s make 2016 the year that SWD6 resurges!

Episode 54 – The Empire Gets Silly


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We do. It’s more just running the gamut with some banter interspersed.

And some nostalgia combined with recognizing Pietre(now henceforth known as “Peter” – we still love your work) Valbuena’s continued efforts on statting lesser-known characters, updates on current Womp Rat Press work, then the added discussion on just what skills a Jedi should need fresh off of being a Padawan.

Episode 53

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Guys, we’re trying some new things here. First off, Joey, our excellent sound editor, has brought us some voice talent for some introductions and such. He’s anonymous(Hmm. Anonyman? You guys think that’s a good name?) for now until Joey realizes I have no idea how to credit him.

We highlight a new release for First Edition, Classic Heroes, give updates on Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, ask, yet again, for help with laying out books(so we can keep releasing WRP material), and highlight Pietre Valbuena’s character highlights. The guy has scoured the movies and pulled obscure characters…then statted them!


EDIT: The voice that Joey has provided us with is Dave Zapata.

Episode 52!

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Come and get your episode! Episode 52 here! Come and get it! Just a couple of old guys talking about Star Wars!

All that aside, we delve a bit more into starship combat, I highlight Billiam Babble’s starship tile sets – this guy’s got talent when it comes to fantasy maps, and it carries over into the realm of Star Wars pretty well with these floor sets.

We also talk about a player type that has stymied GMs/Referees/DMs throughout RPGs: The Wanderer. That one person that just refuses to stick with the group and runs off each opportunity they can get. There’s a place and time, and from a GM standpoint, a Wanderer can really get under your skin.


A Discussion and A Cry For Help

Folks, here’s the cry for help, first off.

Womp Rat Press needs yet another layout person. We’re behind on projects and Peter, our talented layout guy, is burnt out. He’s a volunteer so a break(with the hopes he’ll return – hint hint, Peter!) is more than welcome. Even Don and I need it.

We want to keep pushing out books and Wild Space Magazine, but we can’t without help.

Speaking of Wild Space, we’re needing content for Issue Three. Articles, characters, locations, vehicles, short stories, adventures…we can work with it all.

Another idea I’ve been toying with is filling a book with some of Don’s Random Adventures written out into detail. If you’ve written up an adventure with one, and you’d like to share it, please shoot me an email – shootingwomprats at gmail – so I can read it, edit it, and then throw it into the [Womp Rat Press Untitled Project].

Same thing goes for the layout person – email Don and I and we will get back with you post-haste.


Now for a little discussion. I love starship combat. I love watching the battles in the films and even the TV shows. I’m a rabid fan of the TIE-series.

Yet I’m not a fan of the way starship combat is handled in D6. Our fellow colleague Charles McNeill is a grognard of huge proportions in the starfighter combat scene and I’m not sure if he’d agree with me or not but I feel that D6’s starfighter combat is just..clunky. He’s even collaborated with me to add in some simpler rules.

So, discuss: Can we improve D6’s starfighter(and quite even possibly vehicle) combat mechanic, and if we can, how?

Episode 51 – Shooting the Bull


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We are back, fans, and we are back barring any more personal issues!

Don and I decided to just make this an informal episode to ease getting back into the scene. The good news is that we talk about some things like the Rebels Season One Sourcebook, upcoming projects, and even some Battlestar Galactica.

Yes, Joey – your wish has been granted.


Good News, Everyone!

I’m back! After nearly a month throwing my resume at anyone will catch it, I finally landed a new job, so we will get back to work on the podcast, Wild Space Magazine, and the upcoming Splinter of the Mind’s Eye Sourcebook!

It’s good to be back!

Good News Or Bad News First?

I’m a positive sort of guy, so the good news first:

Don’s Star Wars : Rebels Season One Sourcebook has been released unto the masses! Click the title to see all the current versions of the book and print yours today!

Now for the bad news:

I’m jobless. I have to step back from the community even further until I get a job situation nailed down and I know exactly what my schedule will be. I’m also going to start working on a project suggested by the Google Plus community…more when I get somewhere with it.

One Thousand Members!

Yesterday marked a milestone for our Google Plus Community – we hit a thousand members. To me, that’s a great number for a system that is no longer commercially available to a licence we will never be able to afford.

To those of you who’ve been with us since the beginning: Thank you. I can’t begin to express my appreciation over your support and interest. We are going to continue, heck or high water, to bring you the best in fan-created material.

To those of you who’ve left us for various reasons: Reconsider. The only way for this community to remain strong is to remain one. We can’t agree on everything. Not even Don and I can. We need your different views to see all options as GMs and as players.


Again, I’m asking for help with layout work. Peter Lomas, our incredibly talented layout guy, is buried under Womp Rat Press projects and needs to see some daylight. Let’s see if we can get him some help. If you know how to make pretty layouts, or are willing to learn, please let us know. I don’t want to see WRP projects not heading out to you folks because we finally burned Peter out.